ASCLinux (Linux for PHP) 8.1.3 Ultimate
- New features:
- Adds the Xorg libraries
- Adds the Java runtime
- Adds the libraries Aspell, Enchant, TidyHTML, OpenSSH client, KRB5 client, libmemcached, Doxygen, ALSAlib, CUPS, GIFlib, Net-SNMP, MSMTP, IMAP C-Client, CPIO, Meson, Ninja, and Which.
List of installed software/libraries:
- Acl (2.2.52)
- Alsa-lib (
- Apache (2.4.27)
- Apr (1.6.2)
- Apr-Util (1.6.0)
- Aspell (
- Attr (2.4.47)
- Autoconf (2.69)
- Automake (1.15)
- Bash (4.3.30)
- Bc (1.06.95)
- Berkeley DB (6.2.32)
- Binutils (2.27)
- Bison (3.0.4)
- Bzip2 (1.0.6)
- c-ares (1.12.0)
- Certificate Authority Certificates
- Check (0.10.0)
- CMake (3.9.1)
- CPIO (2.12)
- Coreutils (8.25)
- Cups (2.2.4)
- cURL (7.55.1)
- Cyrus-SASL (2.1.26)
- DejaGNU (1.6)
- DHCP Client (4.3.6)
- Diffutils (3.5)
- Docbook-xml (4.5)
- Docbook-xsl (1.79.1)
- Doxygen (1.8.15)
- Eudev (3.2)
- E2fsprogs (1.43.1)
- Enchant (1.6.0)
- Exim (4.89.1)
- Expat (2.2.0)
- Expect (5.45)
- File (5.28)
- Findutils (4.6.0)
- Flex (2.6.1)
- Fontconfig (2.12.4)
- FreeTDS (1.00.112)
- FreeType (2.8)
- Gawk (4.1.3)
- GCC (6.2.0)
- GDBM (1.12)
- Gettext (
- Giflib (5.1.4)
- Git (2.14.1)
- Glib (2.60.1)
- Glibc (2.24)
- GMP (6.1.1)
- GnuTLS (3.5.14)
- Gperf (3.0.4)
- Grep (2.25)
- Groff (1.22.3)
- GRUB (2.02~beta3)
- Gzip (1.8)
- Iana-Etc (2.30)
- icu4c (59.1)
- IMAP-Cclient (2007f)
- Inetutils (1.9.4)
- Intltool (0.51.0)
- IPRoute2 (4.7.0)
- Kbd (2.0.3)
- Kerberos5 (1.17)
- Kmod (23)
- Less (481)
- LFS-Bootscripts (20150222)
- libarchive (3.3.2)
- Libcap (2.25)
- libevent (2.1.8)
- libexif (0.6.21)
- libffi (3.2.1)
- libgd (2.2.4)
- libjpeg-turbo (1.5.2)
- libmcrypt (2.5.8)
- libnghttp2 (1.32.0)
- Libpipeline (1.4.1)
- libpng (1.6.31)
- libsodium (1.0.15)
- libtasn (1-4.12)
- Libtool (2.4.6)
- libunistring (0.9.7)
- libxml (2-2.9.4)
- libxslt (1.1.29)
- libzip (1.5.1)
- Linux (4.7.2) - Kernel is NOT installed in this Docker image!
- LZO (2.10)
- M4 (1.4.17)
- Make (4.2.1)
- Man-DB (2.7.5)
- Man-pages (4.07)
- MariaDB (10.2.8)
- mcrypt (2.6.8)
- meson (0.50.1)
- mhash (
- MongoDB (3.6.8)
- MPC (1.0.3)
- MPFR (3.1.4)
- MSMTP (1.8.4)
- Ncurses (6.0)
- Nettle (3.3)
- Net-SNMP (5.8)
- nginx (1.13.12)
- Ninja (1.9.0)
- Node.js (10.7.0)
- Oniguruma (6.9.1)
- OpenJDK (
- OpenLDAP (2.4.45)
- OpenSSH (8.0p1)
- OpenSSL (1.0.2l)
- p11-kit (0.23.8)
- Patch (2.7.5)
- PCRE (8.41)
- Perl (5.24.0)
- PHP (5.6.37, 7.0.33, 7.1.28, 7.2.17, or 7.3.4)
- Pkg-config (0.29.1)
- PostgreSQL (9.6.4)
- Procps (3.3.12)
- Psmisc (22.21)
- Python (2.7.13)
- Python (3.6.2)
- rabbitmq-client (0.9.0)
- re2c (1.1.1)
- Readline (6.3)
- Redis (5.0.4)
- Rsync (3.1.3)
- Ruby (2.4.1)
- runit (2.1.2)
- runit-docker (1.1.0)
- Sed (4.2.2)
- SGML-common (0.6.3)
- Shadow (4.2.1)
- SQLite (3.20.0)
- Sysklogd (1.5.1)
- Sysvinit (2.88dsf)
- Tar (1.29)
- Tcl (8.6.7)
- Texinfo (6.1)
- Tidy-HTML5 (5.4.0)
- Time Zone Data (2016f)
- Udev-lfs Tarball (udev-lfs-20140408)
- UnZip (6.0)
- Util-linux (2.28.1)
- Vim (7.4)
- Wget (1.19.1)
- Which (2.21)
- XML::Parser (2.44)
- Xorg Libraries 7
- Xz Utils (5.2.2)
- yasm (1.3.0)
- Zip (3.0)
- Zlib (1.2.8)